Cosmetic Skin Solutions CSS Supreme Phyto+ Gel ™ 60ml

Cosmetic Skin Solutions CSS Supreme Phyto+ Gel ™ 60ml 





Clinically tested and clinically approved, this botanically based SUPERANTIOXIDANT™ lightening treatment diminishes signs of hyperpigmentation, discoloration, and uneven skin tones.



Limit only 2 per order.

Botanical extracts cucumber and thyme calm redness and irritation of the skin, thus promoting healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. SUPERLIGHTEN™ ingredients kojic acid, alpha-arbutin, and uva ursi provide depigmenting properties promoting a clear skin tone.


Clinically tested and clinically approved, this botanically-based lightening gel treats hyperpigmentation to reveal the real you.  It evens out skin tones for a healthier, younger-looking skin you will love!


This lightening gel treats hyperpigmentation by evening the skin’s tone, diminishes age spots and improves the appearance of discolored skin.  Ingredients kojic acid, uva ursi bearberry extract, and alpha-arbutin safely lighten and brighten the skin by inducing depigmenting properties.


Botanical extracts cucumber and thyme soothe to reduce redness and irritation.  In addition, this botanical gel provides calming, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties.

Evens skin tone with advanced and safe lightening ingredients
Diminishes brown spots and age spots
Safe lightening ingredients.  No hydroquinone.
Hydrates, lightens, calms, and soothes in one step
Cucumber and thyme reduce redness and irritation



Cosmetic Skin Solutions 是美國一間著名護膚品廠,集合多年的臨床測試和研究,選取最優質的成份。高度純化元素和最有效的濃度,一直為醫院同醫生研製多種醫學護膚品牌多年。由美國FDA 註冊的實驗室設備製造,受最嚴格的監控。配方低刺激性不致敏,不致粉刺。


【暗瘡肌人士福音!美白無難度 】

有暗瘡問題,想美白的話,真係難啲!不過,美國 Cosmetic Skin Solution Supreme Phyto+ Gel (升效鑽白透亮精華) 就絕對可以做到補濕、美白,同時減退暗瘡或敏感問題。內含麴酸成分,有消炎作用,可鎮靜泛紅肌膚 亦含低分子量透明質酸及多種植物萃取,能補充肌膚水分,同時淨化毛孔、平衡油脂分泌,預防黑頭及暗瘡。




Price :$447.00